Webhosting Website asked: When a user finally decides to host his/her website, then his/her next step should be to decide whether he/she wants to host his/her website on the Windows platform or the Linux platform. Windows web hosting generally becomes a natural choice where as Linux web hosting is going to catch more and more all over the world.
More often a Windows platform will not need a Linux environment to host a website rather Linux is considered to be safe, reliable, and economical and also mostly favored for demanding website environments.
The selection of the operating system to host one’s website totally depends upon the scripting language that is used in his/her website. It is advisable to select Linux is if the languages used are PHP, MySQL, or Perl. One more advantage of using Linux-based server is that it used to provide very high uptime rate. Linux-based server has the characteristics of providing high uptime of 99.9%. Due to all these factors Linux-based web hosting is the most widely used web host in the world!
One can easily convert a Linux website to a Windows website without much aggravates, not only this but also one’s website can be changed easily as the prerequisite of a user raised. Including all this Linux web hosting has some more merits such, as it is very economical as Linux is a free operating system. More often the cost of distribution is borne by the host or owner.
Having so many benefits, Linux environment also have some limitations such as if one’s website has interactive facilities like chat or searchable database, then Linux may not be proved as the right choice. Off course Linux-based web server is not fully yielded with Windows technologies. When a user is using any Windows-centric technologies such VB, he/she should go for Windows-based servers without any hassle.
The conclusion is that one must make the choice for an operating system for his/her website on the basis of the kind of website he/she is going to host.
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