Top Elements of a Linux Hosting Plan

linux139 Top Elements of a Linux Hosting Plan
Bill Pratt asked:

If you have your domain name then it would be time to look for your web hosting service provider. If you intend to get a hosting plan which is Linux-based, then make sure that you would have these important elements included in the plan that you would be getting.

1. Control Panel

This would be your website’s nucleus. In the CP or Control Panel, you would be able to do anything. From the moment that you would be signing up with a hosting plan, you have to be provided with a CP so that you would be able to easily manage your website.

2. POP3 email IDs and Aliases

An example of a POP3 ID would be You should be given an ample number of POP3 email IDs – this would depend on the size of your package.

3. FTP Accounts a& Virtual FTP

This would be what you could use to be able to upload all of your files, as well as delete and update them.

4. Backup

Majority of the web hosts use automated backups. However, users usually do not care a great deal about this when they choose their hosting plan. This would be a feature that is just as essential as the other features mentioned here.

5. Web Statistics

The analysis of the visitors of your website plays a big role in your website’s success. With a Statistics Application which runs on the backend of the server, you would be able to view this report of visitor statistics.

6. Bandwidth

Make sure that you would be selecting the hosting plan which would be able to provide sufficient bandwidth.

7. PHP and MySQL Support

All of the Linux hosting plans can support MySQL and PHP. Verify if you would be getting these features for free as you purchase your hosting package.

8. Webmail and SMTP

Check if your host would be providing you with webmail so that you would be able to check your email messages using an interface which is web-based.

9. Spam Filters

These would be necessary so that you would be protected from any kind of spam attack. These should be installed on your website’s server.

10. IP

If you have a website which would be requiring SSL Support in the future, then you need to get a dedicated IP.

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