Valleyspeak Project Server as a Microsoft Project Viewer

Microsoft146 Valleyspeak Project Server as a Microsoft Project Viewer
annasmith asked:


Sharing Microsoft Project schedules with team members is a huge challenge for Project Managers. Since Microsoft Project licenses are costly and most team members use only a small subset of the functionality of Microsoft Project, using an Microsoft Project MPP file viewer is a possible cost saving measure.

ValleySpeak Project Server can be used as a Microsoft Project viewer and more. Not only can the team members see Microsoft Project schedules, but also they can submit updates for their tasks on the schedules. This allows the Project Manager to get real-time feedback about task status from their teams while still allowing the Project Managers 100% control to approve or disapprove the changes submitted by the team.

Most Microsoft Project viewers only allow the team members to read the project schedule, but not to give real time updates back to the Project Manager. In most cases where such read-only viewers are used, the Project Managers and Team Members have to rely on unstructured emails to communicate status to the Project Manager.

Microsoft Project Viewers Versus ValleySpeak Project Server

Microsoft Project Viewers

Read-Only view for Team Members with no real-time status reporting from the team members back to the Project Managers.

Generally require setup since each team member must install a separate instance. Creating associated headaches of maintenance and upgrades.

Customers are locked into the Vendor once a perpetual software licenses are purchased

Usually charge extra for upgrades and software maintenance

Generally support single projects which can only be viewed one at a time

ValleySpeak Project Server

Project Managers and Team Members can have structured two-way interaction in real-time

Provides comprehensive features like Issue Tracking, Risk Management, Document Management which are essential professionally manage a project.

Free and automatic upgrades so that you are always using the latest and greatest features

Hassle free Pay as you grow model, free of large upfront costs

View and operate on unlimited projects at the same time.

Option to migrate out with your data anytime, your data on resides on your desktop and is under your control at all times

Web Based with support for all major browsers for team members


Although Microsoft Project Viewers do help in one-way communication between Project Managers and Team Members, such viewers do not provide the essential tools for two-way structured communication. Customers using such viewers quickly come to realize the limitations of one-way communication.

ValleySpeak Project Server on the other hand provides two-way communication in real-time between Project Managers and Team Members with powerful additional tools to track project issues and risks, all the while keeping the hassle of managing software away from the users.

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