Sales Management With Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Microsoft21 Sales Management With Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Syed Ali asked:

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 is a comprehensive customer relationship management software package that helps business to improve all aspects of customer service and improve marketing and sales performance.

Integrating with Microsoft Office and Business Solutions as well as third party applications, Microsoft CRM is available through the web and from Outlook.
Sales management with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 is effective and easily achieved with the modules provided, and duplication of data entry is avoided through the use of a single centralized database which can be accessed and edited by all relevant departments. The database can be maintained in real time so that all information is current and up to date.

An important feature of sales management with Microsoft Dynamics CRM is the provision of a comprehensive view of customer data, ensuring efficient sales service and immediate access to updated information. Your service personnel can track enquiries from initial request to fulfillment, and the customizable rules of all major processes allow the creation and automation of most sales activities, which significantly improves the acquisition of new customers.

Due to rapid response to customer enquiries, they are never allowed to fall through the cracks, and every stage is followed through and supported to ensure satisfactory conclusion and completion of the request. The whole sales cycle is shortened, closure rates are increased and customer retention is improved.

An important aspect of sales management with Microsoft Dynamics CRM is its comprehensive communications system including e-mail, fax and telephone with auto response and synchronization with Outlook. Access to all reports and customer information is instantly available offline and online and sales personnel are provided with the ability to answer any customer enquiry instantly through the use of a laptop or PDA system. This remote access to all relevant customer data is a prime feature of sales management with Microsoft Dynamics CRM which not only promotes a high degree of customer service and satisfaction, but also job satisfaction to sales personnel.

This is of extreme importance in situations where customers tend to be loyal to their regular sales contact rather then to the product or company. Such situations are common and customer retention is generally improved in companies with a low sales personnel turnover.

Another important feature of sales management with Microsoft Dynamics CRM is the automated identification of trends and opportunities according to customized rules. Reports can be designed to forecast sales and other trends, which allow accurate budgeting and planning of future sales campaigns and expenditure.

Sales management with Microsoft Dynamics CRM is easily installed with expert help on set-up and initial training. Training costs are minimal since the user interface and work tools are similar to those used in Microsoft Office and Outlook applications. Online tutorials and web-based support are available for all modules of Microsoft Dynamic CRM.

Your business will be able to increase capacity without increasing staffing levels due to the degree of automation available, taking over many of the repetitive tasks of sales and marketing staff. For small to medium businesses, sales management with Microsoft Dynamics CRM is an essential option, with a rapid return on investment, which can give you a positive advantage over companies without it.

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