Macworld Video: The iPad Up Close

macworld asked:

The iPad has arrived in the Macworld offices. As part of our coverage of this compelling new Apple product, we offer a brief video tour of it and some of Apples companion accessories.

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  1. RaeKawakami Says:

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    W W W (DOT) CONGOBI (DOT) com Earn Credits to get free Prizes

  2. Dmodockii Says:

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    I cannot wait til my bday I’m getting this

  3. sprucepantherkmt Says:

    Caffeinated Content for WordPress

    lol he said “passel” just say “bunch”

  4. ClickHere4FreeIPAD Says:

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    Free Ipad Giveaway on My Website

    Visit My Name Below

  5. chris978820 Says:

    Caffeinated Content – Members-Only Content for WordPress

    I just bought an apple product yesterday. I was so excited. It felt amazing in my hands. It wasn’t too cheap and also wasn’t too expensive. It was just a beautiful object with the perfect shape and texture. and then I ate it. Thank you stop and shop for this delicious apple product.

  6. toneinhd Says:


    Yes love your thoughts on the ipad and how its much more then a ipod on steroids. I for one looking forward to purchasing one knowing a newer model is set to release in a few months im just going to wait. Specification thoughts i think it is going to have are two cameras rear and facing guaranteed, a full high res retina display, apple new A5 chip and a thinner sleeker design much like the ipod and iphone looks today. Feb 9th 2011 toneinhd in and out ;) .

  7. 8150shaf Says:

    Create a video blog…instantly.

    @Y3y0ish3re yeah, its basically sik

  8. JustStops Says:

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    check out my predictions of the ipad 2 on my channel and plz subscribe

  9. roz2z Says:

    Website content

    there should be an option to switch flash on or off ! if stive job don’t want falsh

  10. JustStops Says:

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    Watch my iPad 2 predictions video and tell me your own predictions and plz subscribe

  11. danbr17 Says:

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    @Philchua888 itunes

  12. Aniusiax1 Says:

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    iPad Giveaway! Grab your Wifi version of iPad by submitting your details after being redirected from
    theipadtest.blogspot com
    with a dot before com. You may be chosen of all the entries each 24 hours and then contacted in order to claim your free iPad! Don’t miss your chance while the promotion lasts!

  13. C4XGT Says:

    Create a video blog…instantly.

    do u have to buy word? or does it come free when u pay 500 dollers?

  14. guilleskitz Says:
  15. iztraab Says:

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    can i install adobe photoshop into it??

  16. Philchua888 Says:

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    where can i download movies for ipad pls answer! :D

  17. valfor234567 Says:

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    iPod: Stupid name, great product. iPad: stupid name, great product.

  18. thebikerboi2 Says:

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    Just a thought I had while I was looking at an iPad in the shop wouldnt it be good if the display on the iPad went super HD in other words having the same amount of pixels per inch as the iPhones retna display

  19. ummmiloveu Says:
  20. Dustrick Says:

    Create a video blog…instantly.

    I LOVE MY IPAD! I cant live without it, my boyfriend has had a talk with me about it though…

  21. freeipad2011 Says:

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    visit h8d(dot)us/freeipad2011 for a free BRAND NEW 64GB IPAD!!!

  22. MultiFreebieJeebies Says:

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    Want a FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ipad———— Visit my channel
    really works!!!!!!! :) )) you’re welcome

  23. AlexAireyMusic1 Says:

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    @yazyh you can sync films to your ipad like RIP movies from a dvd and sync it to the ipad

  24. 99chris1 Says:

    Create a video blog

    its the ipad. OOOOOOOOOHHHH

  25. egerdu777 Says:

    Caffeinated Content for WordPress

    @kasysims a serious question is this free er what


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