Will Murray asked: Today the world seems to be abound with LINUX operating system administration experts… Unfortunately, anyone can build a flashy website bag a few Software Development tools and away they go. There is an expansive universe of standards between the professional kind of Web Software Development and the ‘other’ kind of Systems Development. The architecture of a reliable operating system administration solution is planned and created using established Software Coding Standards. Something an amateur Software Computer Engineer will rarely do: And it ALWAYS shows.
The Open Source Project – In the Beginning was a word…Open Source pertains to computer technology and software. In principle it was present on the Internet in 1969: When the great worldwide web was little more than a glorified message board. Today Open Source is an approved and a licensed trademark saving businesses billions in revenue each year. Originally, Open Source was a term applied as part of a ‘free software’ marketing drive by the Open Source Initiative (AKA Open Source Project) in 1998 – And it is the OSI who set the standard and criteria for ‘OSI Certified’ software licences.
Many other organisations and Companies have facilitated the free exchange of software in a similar way – The source release of IBM Operating Systems, Netscape and Firefox for example. The Linux Operating System Administration is probably one of the most renowned Open Source software platforms to date: LINUX applications have been relied upon by large Companies for some time and are now being utilised by small businesses more and more.
Cost Effective DevelopmentHaving a strong team of IT Professionals with a range of LINUX Support and development abilities working for you means you can be confident that your operating system administration is reliable and competitively priced. Rather than cutting back on quality, just cut back on the errors: Lesser experienced technicians cost time and so money which in the long run amounts to somewhat of a false economy.
Of course before your Company can develop its Website it is important to ensure that the foundations of that website are solid – This means ensuring your Web Design not only looks good but is functional and easy to navigate AND administrate.
LINUX Operating System Administration DevelopmentA comprehensive LINUX Engineer can create custom specific software suitable for a variety of functions. This can be invaluable to an expanding business as well as new businesses: Utilizing LINUX – Open Source Solutions is a feasible option even for small businesses. From Content Management Systems to complete email solutions: Everything you Website needs to be effective and so productive.
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