Linux Beauty

sausagenmuff asked:

A video of my linux desktop (Atlantis),100% free for everyone on the earth.
Ok I’v been asked a million times how to do this so here it is sticky:
1. install linux
2. install compiz
3. enable 3d cube, wobbly windows..ect
4. set cube opacity slider BOTH to 25.
5. use a skydome and check off “animate”
heres a link to some i have made, on my server,
6. Install atlantis “fish” plugin
you can get it here:;a=snapshot;h=d3e913e8fd1da7ad77beedc364cdea582a6f730e;sf=tgz

(extract to your home dir, go into that directory inside a terminal, type “make” then “sudo make install”

whew.. that should be it.. everything else is just tweaking for days however you like it.

also since everyone is asking constantly,
the 1st song is SNES Donkey Kong Country (water level), and the 2nd Song playing is Arno Cost & Arias – Magenta

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  1. sausagenmuff Says:

    haha yeah emshains, people are all like “bow before me for i am root, see me draw fire!”

    funny how the tiny inconsequential things about linux make people **** brix, when the REAL beauty of the architecture most people have no idea of.

  2. sausagenmuff Says:

    yes its gnome..
    top menus have nothing to do with gnome whatsoever.. the *** “mac style” top menu is the default gnome style in some distros like ubuntu. if thats what you mean, but’d change it right away.

    Microsoft got it right in my opinion with windows 95, a nice simple single menu bar at the bottom.. (K.I.S.S keep it simple stupid)

    gnome has no limits though, top, bottom, side, floating, you can have 20 menu bars if it floats your boat.

  3. lowtone10 Says:

    what display manager is that? it looks like gnome, but no top menu

  4. sausagenmuff Says:

    the instruction are in the upright corner (click more info).. but the links are broken now.. google for the atlantis plugin…
    the name of the song is also there…

  5. emshains Says:

    It’s just an effect with compiz, no special linux kernel needed :)

  6. Gamelivead Says:

    what linux type is it that you can draw on the desktop with fire ???

  7. banhmr9001 Says:

    Compiz. Brand new. Never seen it before.

  8. Jiriger Says:

    Very nice … Added to my favourites :D
    1) How did you get Atlantis?
    2) What’s this awesome music (second track, 0:43-end)?

  9. animeandbleach4ever Says:

    whats da bakground image?

  10. cybertooth49 Says:

    that first song is from Donkey Kong for the SNES isn’t it. I used to play that game tons when I was younger, and got my SNES back only a couple of weeks ago.

  11. sausagenmuff Says:

    windows 95 is better than Vista… LOL

  12. gooman1111 Says:

    Wow is better than Windows Vista

  13. DingDongTheDoorbell Says:

    XD that is so freakin awesome

  14. sausagenmuff Says:

    yes there are hundreds and hundreds of distros (not versions). this is ubuntu. but it wont look like this out of the box if thats what your going for

  15. Glennormothra Says:

    Any version of Linux can pretty much do anything the rest can, if you put the time into it. Linux can be pretty time consuming.

  16. deluxe19930831 Says:

    Witch Linux is this? I was going to download it but there was like 20 different versions. Thanks

  17. K3VY8295 Says:


  18. sausagenmuff Says:

    F— yeah man, dk is the $hit, and im celebrating 150 thousand views today!

  19. ninjagirl6 Says:

    I knew that was donkey kong water level, i still play that till this day, hey man, you da bomb

  20. sausagenmuff Says:

    with a emulator :P
    called Virtualbox.

  21. oordeler Says:

    how did u emulate windows xp??

  22. sausagenmuff Says:

    do you mean windows (linux is a pc), and if so,no.

  23. K3VY8295 Says:

    Looks nice! is it compilable with my pc stuff?

  24. BlackDieselSmoke Says:

    omg i love it!!!!!

  25. UbuntuOwns2228 Says:

    sweet but it would be even nicer if you found a .gif and out is as a cube background


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