Why Linux Web Hosting – the Most Popular Web Hosting

linux27 Why Linux Web Hosting – the Most Popular Web Hosting
Leon Belenky asked:

When discussing websites, servers and web hosting, one of the most frequently used phrases is “stability”. Computer users, experts and programmers love to use equipment that is operating along very stable lines. Generally, this means that the operating software and other systems are communicating well and performing at optimal or reliable levels.

Everyone knows just how frustrating it is to have a computer come, literally, to a “grinding halt”; the machine works slower and slower, seeming to struggle with simple operations such as saving a document, until finally it crashes or becomes inoperable. While this is rarely fatal to a computer or server, it is definitely annoying to a computer operator. A poorly operating website is generally the result of an inefficient operating platform, and frequently the cause of lost business and income.

What can be done to improve stability? Generally, most computer programmers and web developers turn to a few key programs to create stable operating environments, and one of the most common is Linux. Most people immediately ask why Linux web hosting is the most popular web hosting platform, and the answer to their question is fairly complex.

First, Linux has been in existence for a significantly long period of time, meaning it has had many of the most common flaws or “bugs” worked out of it. Additionally, it has continually demonstrated a lengthier “uptime” when compared to many other operating systems, and never needs to be “rebooted” when files are added or changes are made.

Next, Linux is able to interface successfully with the major web development programs, like Apache and PHP. It generally accepts a broader range of file extensions, which is handy when accessing a server, writing pages, and utilizing “server-side” scripts, like “ColdFusion”.  Another consideration about the flexibility of the Linux software is its remarkable convertibility, meaning that any Linux website is easily transferable to other operating software programs, such as Microsoft Windows.

Finally, many computer professionals look to Linux first because of its open source software, meaning it is the least expensive and easiest system to get “up and running”. There are low costs associated with its licensing, with most versions available as free downloads.

Where security is concerned, most operating platforms and software are under a constant barrage of viruses and hacking attempts. While Linux is known to be far less vulnerable than other platforms, ultimately it is the responsibility of the web hosting company to also provide some security to their client’s sites as well.

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