Installing Linux PS3

Linux28 Installing Linux PS3
Roy Meier asked:

It is fantastic that so many people still don’t know that their very own PS3 is one of the worlds best super computers. Typically folks don’t realize because they only use it to play games. But with the power of the Linux Operating System your PS3 can be 3 times as dynamic as your home PC. Even with the installation process of linux being straightforward as pie, a number of PS3 owners are nervous to take the jump.

Linux is built for computer’s but express versions can be installed on your PS3 to turn it into somewhat of an excellent computer. While you can install Ubuntu, Redhat, Kubuntu and even Fedora, the best distro to pick is Yellow Dog Linux. The reasoning being that Yellow Dog was without delay commissioned by Sony to be built for the PS3.

Sony does not make the installation process extremely user friendly but they did the best they could with it. The user will have to know where to start and where to go next. The very first thing you’ll wish to do is BACK UP YOUR FILES! Don’t do anything else before backing up your information. Even though installing Linux on your PlayStation 3 console will not erase or replace the local operating system, it will wipe out your saved games. So again, back up your data!

After you install Linux on your PS3, there will be two operating systems on your gaming console : the native GameOS and the Linux OS. The native operating system lets you play all the games by creating a channel of communication between you and the system’s hardware. So when you are playing a game, scrolling through the cross menu bar ( XMB ), listening to music or watching movies, the GameOS allows for this to happen. Linux will run on top of the GameOS which will then supply the link between Linux and the PS3 hardware.

Whatever you decide, installing Linux on your PS3 is a good idea if you need to completely customise your games console and have another entirely working home desktop computer. Doing this does not take away your PS3′s local gaming capabilities at all. Remember, Sony designed the PS3 to be capable of running Linux so don’t let this be the reason why you don’t want to install it. Above all else, have a good time with it! That’s pretty much the point of having this first-rate gaming system.


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